Catch Me If You Can Static Image – Greed

Greed is represented as the want/desire for more, such as wanted more checks or money. It is also the idea of wanting to move through with his life and the greed to keep going such as getting new jobs e.g. lawyer.

Quote:  “I didn’t cheat, I studied for two weeks and I passed”

Quote Cut Down: “I didn’t cheat”

This quote advertises the desire for the greed, and how it pushes you to want greed.

Ideas- Simple background, black on the outsides moving into the middle where on the middle of the page their is this check, and bundles of money burning and the background of the burning stuff is a white/grey gradient slowly transitioning into the darkness and the quote is above in light white text.

This idea shows that greed to endless, but also leads to darkness which is commonly connected to the idea of dangerous, bad, awful etc. The burning check and money shows the idea that greed is good (money/checks) but is also bad. (the flame burning it). Also the darkness of the black shows bad and the colour of the flame shows good. and it shows that with greed it is dangerous and the desire for It can ruin you and burn your aspects of desire. The endlessness of the darkness shows it is always there and it never ends. The text will be in a formal font (typewriter) probably laying on the side of the page going downwards

Ideas- A hand gabbing/reaching for something in the darkness, the hand slowly being swallowed by the darkness. The hand represents the desire for greed and the internal want for it. The darkness shows the confinement of greed and the endless cycle of needing it, it shows the encapsulation of greed

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